Friday, April 9, 2010

5 Golden Rules of Effective Negotiation - Part 2

here comes the IInd part of the "5 Golden Rules of Effective Negotiation"

Rule #4 - Understand Cultural Differences
What culture you were raised in may make a difference in your outlook on negotiation. Many people born in the United States are used to a “pre-packaged” society. Most of us go into a store and accept the marked prices. Have you ever gone into a Home Depot and tried to negotiate for a better price on a new refrigerator? Why not? It can be done; all you have to do is ask and present your case. You never know, they may be willing to negotiate. In many European and Latin cultures, negotiation is expected. Ask for “complimentary upgrades” on flights or hotel rooms. You do not have to be a frequent flier, just ask. Ask for a “complimentary waiver” on the luggage fees. Just because you are not used to asking for what you want, does not make it rude when you do. Don’t wait until you are outside of the United States to practice – start now.

Rule #5 – Practice, Practice, Practice
Negotiation is a skill, which means it can be learned by anyone. It may not happen immediately; some practice might be needed. Put aside cultural biases and start. Practice everywhere, at the restaurant, at the dollar store, at the airlines. Doing so will get you in the habit of asking. If you ask someone who does not have the “authority” to approve such a request, ask to speak to the person who does, and ask them for what you want. When they say “no,” find out why not. Always smile, keep an even voice, don’t make threats, and thank them for their time and explanation. Practice at home by doing what kids do. They ask you once, twice, and again. The next day they come and repeat their request. You don’t always give in, but they know the odds are in their favor if they don’t accept the first “no.” Be committed to the win-win. You are not going in for the kill. You are going in to reach a mutual agreement on solving a common problem.

Try them and you will see success coming to your hands

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